Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am taking a farm literature class and for the first time in my life I really am obsessed with farms and the fact that our food comes from the ground, not grocery stores.

I think I may be hoping on the organic/local farmers train. Some of the things I have been learning about are wild. If you want to see an animated video about it you can click here.

Anyway-my friend Michelle is a part of our generation who are making an exodus back to the farm and lovn' it.
She made me homemade salsa. It was amazing. Someday I am going to can my own salsa...and learn how to fly fish.
She also has a baby lamb, which she had to corner and catch for this picture. It was hilarious.

It was such a fun thing to see her on the farm and to see the baby animals. Love them. Love her.

**Don't worry-the pictures and her story are being used in my final project. Hopefully my teacher thinks it is as cool as I do.


Unknown said...

Wendell Berry. An Anderson family favorite.

Mike wants to live on a farm. He's such a romantic. Like My Antonia Romantic.

Michelle and Brady said...

hahahha! I LOVE THIS!!!!!! You are so cute! im so glad you liked the salsa!! I miss you here already!!! Come back soon okay! Love you sar!