Sunday, April 26, 2009

A week in review

Pros and cons to week 3/19-25.


1. Finished my last final, at the last possible scheduled time (Wednesday from 8-10) during which I saw the longest line snaking away from the testing center to the HBLL...consequence of waiting until the 11th hour

2. Saw two movies at the dollar theater, both of which we totally worth 100 pennies and the two hours of my very disposable time (the movies were Shopaholic and He's Just Not That Into You)

3. Went to lunch with some old and dear friends and had a great raspberry salad

4. Went to a crepe party--and witnessed true guitar hero skills

5. Was privileged to attend my friends luncheon and wedding shower (perfect weather, perfect food, perfect people....sounds like an equation for a perfect life for them)

6. Sleeping in and naps became a daily duty


1. Best friend moved out

2. 9 hours of school and 8 hours of GRE prep class start this Tuesday (aka, life ends...future still undecided)

3. Friends move away--making exciting plans for the summer. Mine are centered around cougar campus (not quite as appealing as Jerusalem, Huntington, DC or Texas)

4. Raining/snowing

5. exercising begins


well pro's win with 6 so I guess it was a great week.

And a closing threat to BYU-

Becoming the center of my life has been a sneaky and difficult thing to master but you have done it well. I dare you to take more of my time this


Unknown said...

Watch out with your threats...when you push BYU, it pushes back.

And here's another con:

You didn't see me this week.

Jenny said...

I really like that you tell BYU what's up. I think that's really the only way to ensure that as an institution it doesn't take over your life. You should tell that to the GRE prep course too.

Kylie Whiting said...

miss you