Sunday, April 17, 2011

NO more words with friends

I am an English major-that does not make me a master of English. Which means that I suck at words games (AKA scrabble, speed scrabble, group scrabble, online scrabble and any other variation of scrabble).

This includes words with friends. I just got owned in a game and I refuse to ever play a word game again.

Come on world, stop expecting me to read every book, know every word, write poetry and change the world.

I became an English major because I can't do anything else, not because I can do everything.


Britt Linde said...

i want to play words with friends with you.

Garrett said...

You did get mightily owned at speedy scrabble in St. George

It's Not a Tuba said...

I'm with you on this one. It's pretty hit-or-miss which games I'll be good at, and I have a hard time enjoying games that I'm absolutely no good at. We just have to be glad that we're brilliant at other things.

Thanks for the Wallace article, by the way. Makes you think. Twice.