Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello-my name is Santa.

Last night I assisted in composing a fake letter from Santa for my roommates little sister. This evil craft was requested by her mom who said, "write a letter from Santa to your little sister so she stops crying and throwing tantrums." And so we did. We threw in some cliches about how only little boys and girls get presents and blah blah blah listen to your get the idea.

And now I feel like I've wronged the spirit of Christmas.

Because of this guilt, I confessed to my friend what I had done. She told me that when she was growing up her mom never let her believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, or Easter bunny. I said she didn't have a childhood.

Her reply shocked my world.

She said her mom never promoted seasonal fictitious creatures because how do you tell your child to believe in something they can see and have them find out it is a lie and then expect them to believe in Christ, a man who they can not see.

Maybe she has a point. Maybe I won't pretend to be Santa anymore.

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