I started feeling sick on Monday...nothing serious, just a bad cough. Tuesday was worse. If I lived where people smoked many would have thought I was suffering from severe emphysema, but alas it's just my incredibly week immune system. So I continue on. I was in class until 9 pm and then went home and went to bed. Granted I know this story is not interesting, but I will make my point soon. So on Wednesday I have a test that I have to take that day in the testing center. For those who don’t know what the testing center is, it is a horrible room at BYU where mass classes and students go to take tests during their own time so that professors aren’t bothered to take away lecture time while we take tests. The result: no time between a test and new material.
But, I digress, so I get up, go back to sleep, get up again and force myself out the door. Little studying, and a foggy perception on life was sure to make a perfect recipe for the test. So, I go to the classy store around the corner (days) and spend 1.50 more then the usual 6.00 cold medicine so that I could have EXTREME TYLENOL. I was sure it was going to make the difference. When I get there I asked if I could have my own room because I have this ridiculous cold/cough/loud disaster in my body...she looks at me and politely says "I’m sorry, you need special permission--you'll be ok in the normal room." At this point I’m literally laughing inside because little does she know i'm the biggest distraction that could cause insane mayhem and madness inside the testing room. About to embark upon the room, I am overcome with a fit of coughing. Not just a cough, but my bodies attempt to relieve itself of the lungs that are causing it such pain. I slowly walk away from the door, literally find myself in a corner, and proceed to cough. At this point everyone is looking at me and the three boys behind me are thinking this girl is wicked sick, she better not get me sick, and she better not distract me in the room. Why would they let her in? So, after two minutes of my near death, gagging, and crying in the test registration room (i'm not exaggerating...which is sad) I go to return my test because I clearly can not walk into a room with 150+ people. The lady, the same who said I would be fine, hands me a box of kleenex and says "I think we can find you a room." I was led to my own private room where I was told I was on camera so I will get caught if I cheat. Deal. 30 minutes and 60 tissues later I walked out with a bruised ego along with a C (probably) on my test (a consequence of not studying and underestimating the test) and go home.
And I wonder--why did I have to go through the public humiliation when there was a room clearly available. Why are people so uptight...I was just a sick girl trying to pass school.
The next day I didn't go to work or school and watched about ten hours of one tree hill....they say it's ok to waste your life when you’re sick.
Anyway, I’m feeling better now but I thought I would retell this story so that you all might remember to be nice to those who are sick, they probably aren't lying. And remember, when there is an available room--give it to them. There is little harm in helping others.