Thursday, March 26, 2009

South Provo

Tonight I joined my friend to enter the world of the “indie” crowd. Feeling slightly out of place because of my modern, yet classic look of leather loafers, jeans, and a sweater; I looked at the crowd of beards, tights, and those funny hats that aren’t really hats at all but are mere extended creations of crochet. So I sat, wondering how I ended up at the Velour, and why I was so different.

Then the music began.

The bands are the up and coming, the live your dream until you succeed or have tried so hard that your soul hurts and will no longer precede. The artists who, at times, were singing so intensive as if to scream “like me, choose me, I’m trying…..really hard.” But, as I looked across the scene of those who are just naive enough to believe they can succeed, and just bold enough to try, I realized I am not that different. The words spoken were poetry, masked by music (some of which was good, some of which was not). The reference of larks was reminiscent of Thoreau, the poems of heart break similar to Drydan. Regardless of setting, each of us relate to the connection of human passion, nature, hope and the dream for a better day. After reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand this moment was like being the grotesque, angular animal that lives where the sun has never shown beneath the daunting and consuming ocean, and catching just a intimation of what the sun is and what possibilities exist in the upper levels of the world.


Michelle said...

Hallelujah. A new post. And 1. the first paragraph made me laugh and 2. you write "good". Well done.

Jenny said...

Nice-new blog post! Anything referencing Ayn Rand is bound to be good! And the crochet line...that's funny.

Kellee Marie Cook said...

yes! new post! love it. but I think you can fit in anywhere! even with all the ad labbers and art school kids!!! I heart you.. please don't ever leave my side.. even if we are in places that make us scawed.

Unknown said...

you're a poet.


and the word verification is "donap" which reminds me of napping donuts.

Mike said...

I think I understood 3 words in that post...

Here's to being smarter than the average person

(average person being myself)

And, like Kellee, I agree: You can fit in anywhere. Kylie and I were delighting in your soul earlier today... talking about how great of a person you are.

JordanGuy said...

Welcome to the indie culture. Just as indie is fizzling out in provo you are jumping in :) hip hop is the new wave

Britt Linde said...

Sarah. This is an amazing post. Wait, are you, like, an English major or something?

I know what you mean about Velour. Everytime I go there, I almost feel sorry for the bands performing because I just know how they feel- wanting someone to accept them for who they are and what they can do.