Thursday, February 3, 2011

Year of the Rabbit

(Rabbit PDA is socially acceptable)
Welcome to the year of the rabbit! In order to celebrate this exciting news I would like to tell you a little bit about the pet I had as a child.

I love animals and I really wanted a bunny, so in Orme family fashion, I had to write an essay about why I deserved a rabbit and how I would be responsible for him. Honestly dad, who makes their 2nd grader do that? Anyway, the following month Oreo entered my life (let's play a game and see if you can figure out what colors he was). So Oreo becomes a part of the family and he is great, and though he was frequently tormented by my brothers who called him Numan (off of Seinfeld) I loved him.

That is until he bit me.

So Matt and I were playing in the backyard and he kept threatening to hit Oreo with a football. As a good caretaker, I put a blanket over him in order to protect him. Ok, so in Oreo's defense he was probably scared out of his mind in the dark and the hugs of "love" that I kept giving him were probably more painful than helpful. There I am, the guardian of the cookie, and Matt actually throws the football and I give another love squeeze and Oreo bit me.

It hurt.
I had to get a shot.
Our relationship was never the same.

Years later Oreo would find himself "relocated" to another family looking for a rabbit.

The more I relive the story the more pity I have for Oreo. I mean this rabbit lived in the dungeon, also known as our unfinished basement, during the bleak winter months and I would often neglect him. Also, he never got to hang out with other rabbit friends, and I am pretty sure he was tormented by a dog or two throughout his life.

And so to bring in the year of the rabbit I dedicate 2011 to Oreo and I hope that rabbits are treated better this year. Cheers to my first, and possibly, last rabbit.
(Does this not look like Fiver or Bigwig?)


adam and jess said...

is it weird that reading this post just makes me want to eat a sleeve of oreos? ps i've been sitting next to your sister in law during matt and adam's basketball games on friday nights. she's a cute gal as are you!

cassi said...

so funny! i had a bunny once too- that i won in a drawing in 7th grade- but he had red eyes. oreo sounds much cuter- and very loved.

Diana said...

I totally remember Oreo! Good times :)