Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life Should Be Like Orange Juice

The best and worst of 2010 and the goals for the year 2011.


1. When there weren’t any animals at the Washington DC zoo.

2. Getting a less than exciting score on the GRE.

3. The toxic game of dating.

4. Moving to a new apartment in a new city without any friends or family and without water or power.

5. 4 colds in the 6 beginning weeks of the semester.


1. Getting straight bangs.

2. Traveling across the United States.

3. Graduating from BYU and an incredible opportunity for school at USU.

5. Meeting great people in Logan and keeping the many friends from Provo and seeing my family often.

6. Watching the West Wing.

2010 wasn’t my favorite year. Mostly it was a year of change, growing up, and many of my friends getting married. And so I say a belated goodbye and farewell.

The biggest thing that 2010 gave to me was perspective. I am realizing more and more that happiness comes from experiencing the variety in life, in culture, and in people.

It is really easy for me to care about my image, and to remove myself from myself in books, but my connection with the image of myself and of others is fading. For example, dating really smart people is usually a drag. Talking about politics is polarizing and often annoying. Wearing blazers to work makes my personality feel tight-as if the constraining suit can affect my personality.

And so instead I think life should be more like orange juice.

It should be brighter, and fresher. And the pulp, or the mess-ups in life, actually add to the flavor (which is why I never buy pulp free anything..).

And so, for 2011 my main goal is to celebrate and embrace the differences of all, a goal which will hopefully seep into my personality. The city people are cool, as are the farmers. The older established boys are interesting, but so are those still trying to figure out what to do with their lives. The classical books are great but my 1010 students work is often more funny. The news is insightful, but so is the get the point.

Goals for the year of our Lord 2011:

1. Learn how to decorate really professional looking cakes.

2. Learn how to paint and sketch.

3. Write a thesis and receive my masters.

4. Go to Boston/Louisiana/Minnesota.

5. Only date boys who I want to hold hands with in public.


Michelle said...

Goal five is genius. GENIUS.

cassi said...

Sarah you are my favorite. One day will you promise we can live next door to each other? But for now I'll take a visit to mn. And I love your bangs. And I love that you somehow brought bachelor into your post.

Jenny said...

This is a perfect post. Love you.

Hayley Baum said...

Love you S. But there's one thing missing. Visiting Chicago aka dating my brother in law at U of Chicago needs to be on the list. soul mates. I'm sure of it. So is Kellee.

...That's undeniable evidence that it needs to happen.

And the best part about that plan is that you and I end up in the same family, and Rambo will cuddle with you every time we visit. :)

mandi winterton said...

it finally happened!
i love everthing about this post. it is eloquent, funny, and perfectly sarah! love you.
please come down....or better yet can i come visit you!?

Unknown said...

Hold hands with in public huh? Haha. Have you dated some people you weren't proud of?

Nice blog by the way.

Ben Roush said...

Being the first time i've read your blog, i loved it, and I love your goals. I decided I'd be a crappy best friend if I continued to not read your blog. Thanks for always being genuine.